About Emma
Emma originally trained as an art teacher at The University of Melbourne, before returning to study at RMIT where she received her Graduate Diploma in Graphic Design. Her passion for design education grew during ten years teaching Art and Visual Communication in Victorian secondary schools, where she developed a design curriculum that has been presented during workshops hosted by The University of Melbourne, Visual Communication Victoria and the National Gallery of Victoria.
In 2008, Emma left the secondary classroom to work on freelance design projects and lecture in Visual Art Education at The University of Melbourne, where she wrote a Visual Communication unit that has since been incorporated into the Master of Teaching - Secondary: Visual Arts program. In 2009, she received a scholarship to undertake a Master of Design at Swinburne University, where she investigated the gap in pre-service teacher training of secondary school design educators.
While Emma’s latest role as mother of Hector and Hazel could be loosely termed as ‘creative’ (well, there’s a lot of experimenting and making things up), she feeds the compulsion to make and design by continuing to work on stimulating projects and lecture in art and design education. She also visits schools to talk about the design process and has developed a suite of resources for teachers of Visual Communication.